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'I have come that you might have life and have it to the full’

(John 10:10)

At St Edmund’s, our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic education) curriculum is delivered through TenTen’s Life to the Full Plus program, a comprehensive and faith-centred approach tailored for Catholic schools. This curriculum is integrated with our RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) program to prepare pupils for life as children and adults in the wider world. 

PSHE Curriculum 

Our PSHE curriculum focuses on developing the whole child, encouraging informed decision-making, understanding the impact of actions on others, and promoting personal safety. Pupils are empowered to contribute positively to both the school and wider society. 

Key Features of the PSHE Program: 

  • Weekly Lessons: Taught in Key Stages 1 and 2 and integrated into Early Years learning. 

  • Adaptable Content: Lessons tailored to meet the needs of each class, including responding to specific circumstances (e.g., bereavement). 

  • Cross-Curricular Approach: Links to RE, science, and computing ensure PSHE contributes to holistic learning. 

  • Themed Weeks and Days: Focused activities on topics such as Anti-Bullying Week, Internet Safety, Mental Health Awareness, and Neurodiversity. 

  • Enrichment Opportunities: Assemblies, clubs, and workshops (e.g., CORAM Life Education Centre) alongside guest speakers from CAFOD, Mission Together, and the NSPCC. 

RSE Curriculum 

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is delivered through the TenTen Life to the Full Plus programme, aligned with statutory requirements and rooted in the Catholic ethos of our school. It adopts a spiral curriculum approach, revisiting and building on key themes each year. 

Modules of the RSE Program: 

  1. Created and Loved by God  

  • Focuses on self-worth, recognising we are made in God’s image and likeness. 

  • Encourages understanding of personal dignity as the foundation for relationships. 

  1. Created to Love Others  

  • Explores relationships within families, friendships, and the wider community. 

  • Includes strategies for maintaining healthy relationships, both online and offline. 

  1. Created to Live in Community  

  • Emphasises serving and loving others through dialogue and working for the Common Good. 

Each module includes music, prayer, and storytelling, fostering a reflective and engaging learning experience. 

Faith-Based Approach 

RSE at St Edmund’s is guided by the Catholic Church’s teachings on the dignity and worth of the human person. It includes age-appropriate discussions on marriage, family life, and relationships, always framed by the belief that we are created in God’s image. 

We adhere to the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton’s guidelines, ensuring our approach supports pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental, and physical development. These teachings are grounded in Gospel Values and aligned with British Values, preparing pupils for the opportunities and challenges of life with a strong moral and ethical foundation.