'Learn, Love and Live with the Lord'
We take children from aged 4, and at 11 most of the children move on to St Peter’s Catholic Secondary school in Guildford. We are the parish school of St Edmund, King & Martyr in Godalming.
The Catholic Life of the School
We hold Masses in school, and also Reconciliation Services in Advent and Lent, during which children and adults are able to avail themselves of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Every day we have a collective act of worship or assembly, as a whole school, key stage or class, once a week our Headteacher leads a collective act of worship which is based on the weekend’s Gospel. We have regular celebration assemblies and Golden assemblies.
We celebrate events in the life of the school – we hold our Leavers' Mass at the end of the school year, and our spiritual moving on day for Year 6 is currently led by the team at Wintershall. We have school trips to Life of Christ at Wintershall and Worth Abbey for the Good Shepherd Mass. Parishioners are cordially invited to visit us each Spring to see Year 6 perform a Passion Play. Parishioners are also invited to join us for our Carol concert and our Grandparents' Day.
Along with this busy schedule, we do find regular time for prayer and liturgy. We start and end each day with a prayer. There is a dedicated area each classroom devoted to worship and prayer and we have a beautiful outdoor prayer area with seating and a very special statue of Mary. We aim for all classes to have a warm, emotive climate where God’s love is visible.
Supporting others and almsgiving is an important part of the Catholic life of the school. We support various charities on an ongoing basis. Mrs Gillie Nicholls, has a number of projects in Burkina Faso through her charity Les Amis. We have a Lenten collection for Mission Together, and we support CAFOD through their annual fast day. The School Council supports different charities throughout the year. We also join in with fundraising activities for charities such as the NSPCC, Pancreatic Cancer Awareness and Children In Need and as well other fundraising events.
Links to these charities:
Religious, Social, Moral and Cultural Education
Most of our children come from Catholic backgrounds and a vital aspect of our mission is the education of our children to the faith alongside ensuring that each and every child is given the opportunities to grow and develop. How do we help the children grow in their Catholic faith? We have a comprehensive RE curriculum which is taught throughout the school. This curriculum is taught using the 'Come and See' programme. Year R, 1 and 6 are now following the new RED curriculum.
As part of our RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) Programme we have weekly Ethos Statements sessions where moral and ethical issues are discussed in a “circle time” setting.
We learn about World Faiths as part of our Come and See' programme. The whole school studies Judaism in the Autumn term, and Islam in the Summer term.
The life of the Parish
The parish website can be found at www.stedmundgodalming.btck.co.uk
There are three Sunday Masses in our parish:
- 6 pm (Saturday vigil) at St Edmund’s in Croft Road, Godalming
- 8:45 am at St John’s Anglican Church, Farncombe
- 10:30 am at St Joseph’s, Milford
Children in Year 4 and above are invited to attend First Holy Communion classes. Details can be obtained from our parish office.
Support for parents and children
Bringing up children is never easy and, here at St Edmund’s, we are privileged to have Mrs Geraldine Tod as our Home School Link Worker. Mrs Tod works on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and her role includes supporting parents in whatever way she can. In addition, she also facilitates our Rainbows programme, where children receive excellent support if they have suffered loss in their life, be it death, divorce or separation. Many parents have commented on how effective these sessions are to help their children.