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Friday 16th July 2021

Sunshine and Sports morning!

Sunshine and sports day

It was the right decision to postpone our sports morning, we have glorious sunshine today and managed to hold the events before the weather got really hot around lunchtime. The children really enjoyed the races and were very supportive of each other. St Mark's House won in KS 1 and St John's House won in KS2. Thank you, Mrs McCarthy for organising everyone and well done to all the children!


We managed to get almost to the end of term without sending any children home, but not quite! On Wednesday, due to a positive case in Year 5 we had to identify close contacts and those children went home. Sadly we won’t be seeing them until September, they were sad to be missing the final week but were very brave and understand why we have to do this to keep everyone safe. The remaining children were most concerned about how they would manage to do sports day with their friends missing, but we managed to make it fair and make sure everyone here took part.

On Monday we started our assemblies by talking about Sunday’s football final. The children were able to explain their thoughts very eloquently and talk about all the positives: the inspiring players, teamwork, learning from our mistakes and how much everyone had enjoyed watching the matches and joining together supporting our country. We also thought about how much the children grow and change during their time at school. We compared pictures of Year 6 when they were in Year R and thought about everything that we learn and how we change inside and outside.

We have the second group of Year 4 children making their First Holy Communion this Sunday. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they make this important step in their spiritual journey.

Three final days next week, we will make the most of our remaining time together.

It’s going to be a hot sunny weekend, finally. I hope everyone enjoys it!

Have a lovely weekend,

