Friday 28th May 2021
Sunshine and crazy hair
Finally, we have some sunshine! It has really lifted everyone’s mood as we approach the holiday. The mufti and crazy hair have also put as all in the holiday spirit today. The children look great, and they were very excited to see each other thing morning as we held our Golden Assembly in the playground together.
During our assemblies on Monday, we talked about Pentecost and a group of children from Year 2 shared their dance inspired by the events of Pentecost with the whole school. They had included the wind, the dove, tongues of flames and going out into the streets to share the good news.
Year 1 had their very first school trip on Tuesday to the Rural Life Centre in Tilford. They had a wonderful day learning about life in the past, examining artefacts and experiencing a real Victorian classroom, including writing on slates, learning by rote and even punishments!
Our oldest children, Years 5 and 6, spent the morning learning about how to stay safe on their First Aid Course. They really enjoyed this, and we hope it will be a very useful skill to have.
Here are our cross country runners this morning. We added a bit more competition to the run this morning!
It’s hard to believe that we have less than seven weeks of this school year. We will make the most of that time and have many exciting visits and events planned for the summer.
Have a wonderful half-term break and enjoy the sunshine!