Friday 14th May 2021
May, Month of Mary,
It’s been another rather damp week, but the children are all happy and enjoying their learning.
We had a visit from The Hedgehog Man in Year R and 6, the children really enjoyed meeting a real hedgehog.
I have had the pleasure of teaching Year 2 a few times this week, which was lovely! I was very impressed by how hard the children worked and by all the things they know. We did some watercolour paintings of Mary, there are some great artists in Year 2!
Our Year 1 class had great fun re-enacting the story of Pentecost in the playground on Wednesday. The children played the roles of the disciples, the crowd and the wind and thought about how the Jesus’ friends might have felt after He left them and imagined being able to spread the good news in many languages with the help of the Holy Spirit.
The baby blue tits are growing rapidly. Over the course of just a week they now have feathers and amazing appetites, with mouths open wider than their bodies!
This week we have been thinking about Mary and talking about her life. Unfortunately, for the second year in a row, we have not been able to process to Ladywell Convent for our special Mass for Mary. We really hope that by next summer, we will be able to continue this lovely tradition. We placed blossoms around our statue of Mary in the hall, during our assemblies this week instead. Although we don’t pray to Mary, we do ask her to pray for us as she is close to God.
At St Edmund’s, for many years now, we have had a very special bond with one of the sisters from Ladywell Convent, Sister Anne. She loved coming into school, she was a regular visitor; working with the governing body, working with the children, leading a weekly prayer group and always attending plays and performances here. We were all really sad to hear of her death this week. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Have a lovely weekend,