Friday 5th February 2021
The first February Friday...
It's been a rather damp and grey start to February, but the children have certainly brightened things up this week!
They have been very busy with their learning at home and school, as you can see from the pictures above.
Year R children have been helping out fairy tale characters by solving their problems for them through beautifully written letters. In Year 1 there has been some amazing story writing and bark rubbing. Year 2 has been busy writing poetry using personification and had great fun playing class games during their Zoom meeting yesterday. Year 3 has continued their learning about volcanoes and earthquakes and enjoyed testing the viscosity of liquids too! The children in Year 4 had a chocolate day on Tuesday, designing and making their own cakes, chocolate treats and biscuits. They looked delicious! In Year 5 the children have been having fun with fractions and using persuasive language. Year 6 has been writing about the characters in the poem The Highwayman and learning about how the Maya lived.
Please join our Monday assembly, if you can, and we also have our Golden Assembly to look forward to on Friday 12th.
We are all looking forward to the half term break and we are all hoping that we will be able to have all the children back very soon. Thank you for all that you are doing and have a well deserved rest this weekend.