Friday 6th November 2020
Return to school, remembering and thinking ahead
It's November now and already feeling very wintery this week! We’re all back to school, despite the latest lockdown restrictions and we’re looking forward to the half term ahead. It’s always an exciting time of preparation in school and we want this is continue for the children and hope to keep things as normal as possible. Above is our Excellent Work display, showing some of the wonderful things the children have been doing at school. Here are some of our Year R children enjoying their first PE lesson indoors using the apparatus!
We have started the week talking about the month of November and the feasts of All Saint and All Souls. We talked about the difference between these two feast days and thought about the different saints that the children have been inspired by. The children also remembered and shared the special people in their families who have died, that they are remembering especially during this month of November. During my research on St Edmund, in preparation for his feast day on 20th November, I found out the St Edmund is the patron saint of pandemics! An amazing fact at this time and strange that we didn’t know this before! We hope that he continues to keep us safe at St Edmunds.
I held our Open Morning for prospective parents on Zoom on Wednesday. Normally this is a special day in school where the Year 6 children take great pride in showing guests round and answering their questions about life at St Edmund’s. This year we obviously couldn’t do this, but the Zoom presentation and question and answers worked well. The Year 6 Digital Leaders created a short virtual tour of the school and I shared this with the parents to give a flavour of our school. Thank you to Mr Lagattolla and the Digital Leaders for making the short tour.
We have some exciting activities for the children coming up in the next few weeks, which we are all looking forward to. We have started work on a Remembrance competition with the local schools. The children have to create a poppy picture (Year R) or a piece of writing on the theme of Remembrance. This could be a poem, letter, diary or factual piece. The children are really inspired and their creations are looking really promising. I will send the best ones from each class through to the wider competition and we are going to create a display of the children’s work in the hall for everyone here to see in school.
We will be taking part in Anti-Bullying week from 16th November and we are thinking ahead to Advent and Christmas preparations. We will be doing the Elf Run on 7th December, in our bubbles, running around the playground to riase much needed funds for the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice. This year, we will also be supporting Christmas Jumper Day for The Meath Epilepsy Charity based in Godalming, on 11th December. We are thinking about our Christmas performances and how we can prepare something special in each class to be filmed, edited together and shared with families later this term.
I hope everyone has a good rest this weekend,