Friday 16th October 2020
Chertsey Museum, virtual meetings and remote learning for some!
I thought last week had been busy but this one has been much more challenging! Having had two confirmed positive cases in our Year 3 class has been worrying for everyone. We are doing our best to carry on with our normal routines in school and setting work for those self-isolating at home. Thank you all for your understanding and kind words.
Year 5 enjoyed a visit from Chertsey Museum on Tuesday and although they couldn’t visit the museum this time, the museum came to us! The children looked at artefacts and learned about life in Ancient Greece. Sarah, from the museum, was extremely impressed with the children’s knowledge. Here they are investigating the artefacts:
Year 2 have been baking! They have made individual challah bread as part of their work on Judaism. They really enjoyed it as you can see above!
On Wednesday morning I held our first virtual Parents Forum meeting, it went smoothly and it was lovely to see everyone. Thank you for the overwhelmingly positive feedback on our return to school. We are really pleased with how things are going. One of the areas we talked about was the morning drop-off. We will start a trial of the morning drop-off drive through from Monday. Please only use this system if your children can get out of the car quickly, safely and independently (not Year R children yet). Please drive in slowly and be mindful of Year R parents and children who may be queueing in the car park. If the drop off works well then we will continue it after half term.
We are ready for our video appointments for parents evening on Monday and Wednesday next week. As you know, it’s the first time that we have done this and we hope that the technology doesn’t let us down! The teachers are looking forward to seeing you, finally, and telling you all about how well the children are doing.
Enjoy the weekend and I hope that everyone stays well,