Friday 9th October 2020
Harvest, Life Bus and Huckleberries
It’s been another busy week at school!
We started our week with assemblies reflecting on the life of St Therese and thinking about how she has inspired us. We talked about the parable of the wicked vineyard tenants and how we must share what we have and look after our world. This lead well into our CAFOD Harvest assembly on Thursday, where the children heard about how CAFOD was founded and that everyone joining together can really make a difference. You can watch the assembly here:
Following on from the CAFOD assembly, we are all going without our snacks this morning and the money donated will go to CAFOD’s Harvest appeal. I think we will all appreciate our lunch a little more if we are a bit hungry!
We have had our Life Bus visits (minus the bus) this week. As we can’t all squeeze into a tiny bus, we spaced out in the hall instead! The children learnt about keeping our minds and bodies healthy and making good choices, with the help of the ever popular Harold the giraffe!
I spend the day with the children at Huckleberries Nurture Farm on Thursday. We all had a lovely day despite the rain. We fed and looked after the animals, did hammock yoga in the woods and learnt to light fires! The children can’t wait to go back next week!
We are just finalising our arrangements for our Parents Consultations this year. We are going to use ‘School Cloud’ for video appointments as we are not able to have face to face meetings yet. The new system looks good and user friendly, I hope that it works well for everyone and that the booking process is successful! Look out for the details going home today.
Have a lovely weekend,