Friday 18th September 2020
Autumn sunshine and new arrivals
Friday 18th September 2020
What beautiful late summer weather we have had this week! We are all making the most of being outside as much as possible while we can.
Our new Year R children have now joined us. We are so pleases that they are here and enjoying school. I think they will be tired after their first week. They have settled in really well and I think I have learnt everyone’s names. It is a shame that we can’t be together as a whole school to welcome them as we normally do, the older children love getting to know our new children. For now, they will have to wave from a distance this year!
The children have voted for their school council representatives in Years 1 to 6. We have had our first socially-distanced meeting this morning and I know that the children already have feedback on how everything is working and many good suggestions. Here they are:
We are very pleased with how the new routines for the day are working. It’s wonderful to have all the children back. All the children have done brilliantly at adjusting to our new way of doing things and we are very pleased with them all. Whilst the picture nationally is constantly changing we really want to do everything we can to keep out school open and we are constantly reminding everyone to keep their distance, not easy to do in our small school site! The morning drop of and pick up are working well but please do keep your distance from others and leave quickly after collecting the children.
This week in our assemblies we have thought about forgiveness and saying sorry. We talked about how many times we should forgive others and that just saying sorry isn’t enough, we must really mean it. We know that God will forgive us if we are truly sorry and that we must try and show that forgiveness to others too. Having smaller numbers of children in assembly, gives the children more opportunities to speak and share their thoughts, one of the things that is working really well!
Congratulations to our children in Year 5 making their long awaited First Holy Communion this Sunday and next Sunday. We hope you all have a wonderful day.
Have a lovely weekend,