Friday 17th July 2020
Goodbye Year 6
It's the last Friday of the summer term and the final day at St Edmund's for our Year 6 children. We have had a lovely last week at school and although we couldn't do our usual end of term events, we have made the most of our time together.
Fr Jonathan joined us yesterday afternoon for our Leaver's Liturgy in the playground, even the sunshine made an appearance too! We thought about our years together and all the things we are grateful for. This particular year group have been through some hugely challenging times and they have supported each other wonderfully. They have been a really sparky class, with enthusiasm and energy for life and learning, thank you all. We will miss you all.
We have managed to have a socially distanced leavers and awards assembly this morning where we said goodbye to Year 6 and looked at pictures of them when they started school in September 2013! Some of them haven't changed very much at all really! Here they are enjoying their first school trip in the summer of 2014:
Our Year 1 children finished their Circus topic with a kite flying session and some visiting clowns yesterday! It has been very exciting. Here they are kite flying!
We can't wait to welcome back our Year 2, 3, 4 and 5 children on Monday to see their classmates and teachers. On Tuesday We will have our moving up sessions with Years R to 5 visiting their new classes and we'll get to meet our new Year R children and families too!
Have a lovely weekend,