Friday 24th January 2020
Wellness and science week..
This week, to brighten up a dark, cold January, we have had a science and wellness focus. There have been different activities each day for each class to help them think about health and well-being.
On Monday each class was given a jar of sweets and the children have had a guess or calculate the amount of time exercising that it would take to burn off the sweets. There will be a prize for the closest estimate in each class (but not the jar of sweets!)
‘Try it Tuesday’ was a great success, with children across the school trying new foods: toasted chickpeas, goats cheese, pumpkin seeds, pomegranate and more I hope they will be as adventurous at home when trying new foods!
Years 3 and 4 have enjoyed science workshops lead by Pfizer. The children were told about the process of creating a new medicine and they had to create a lime like medicine in groups, which they really enjoyed doing.
Year 6 children took part in a Yoga session on Thursday morning. We hope that they will remember the calming breathing techniques when they face tests and challenges in life.
Everyone has had fun with Professor Brainstorm today. We found out about electricity, circuits, solids, liquids and gases and even saw liquid nitrogen at work! The older children will have their workshops later today.
It has been a very successful week and so important for us to take time to stop and look after ourselves inside and out.
During our assembly on Monday we talked about John the Baptist and looked at some other painting which told us more about him and his life. Mrs Hua lead an assembly looking at British Values on Wednesday morning and yesterday Mrs Patrick and I talked to the children about ‘Positive Playtimes’ and how children can earn a green card. With the help of the buddies and games captains we explored ideas for games and activities everyone can enjoy in the playground.
There was triumph at the Indoor Athletics Tournament for Year 3 and 4 yesterday afternoon. The results were very close with only 12 points between all the participating schools but our team won and they were delighted. Thank you to Mrs McCarthy and very well done to you all.
The PSA are holding a film show after school today, Toy Story 4 which I’m sure will be very popular!
Have a lovely weekend,