Friday 19th April 2024
Summer Term!
Welcome back to the summer term! I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter and a lovely holiday. The blossom is looking beautiful along The Drive, especially in the spells of sunshine we have seen this week. We are all hoping that we see some more sunshine next week as Year 4 heads off to Sayer's Croft for their first residential.
We started the morning with the return of the running club. Please come and join us at the rec on Friday before school, if you are in KS 2. We are about to head off to the station for our school council’s visit to the Houses of Parliament today. I will add a picture later today!
The children are well rested and back with enthusiasm; all looking very pleased to be back with their friends and enjoying their learning.
As we start the summer term, we have so much to look forward to: school trips and visits, sporting events, first communions, our May procession to Ladywell and a few tests and assessments too!
Have a lovely weekend,