Friday 12th July 2019
Moving on and moving up...
This week has been all about moving on. During our assembly we thought about how much the children grow and learn every day and looked at some pictures of Year 6 when they were much smaller. We talked about the parable of the mustard seed and how great things grow from the smallest seeds. Our children certainly show us that every day!
Our Year 6 children have been visiting their new secondary schools with the majority of them spending the whole day at St Peter's on Thursday. They have been excitedly telling us all about their day, their new classes and looking forward to the new stage of their journey. They can’t go just yet as we still have them for another 8 days!
We have welcomed our new Reception Class into school this week with the children spending Tuesday afternoon in the classroom; they all came in very happily. Then they returned, smiling, to spend the morning at school yesterday, most of them stayed for lunch with their parents trying a school dinner too! It was lovely to meet them all and put faces to the names on the list. I’m sure they will be made very welcome in September. Thank you to the parents who helped with refreshments and to my remaining eight Year 6 children who did a fantastic job welcoming the new parents and helping me for the morning.
As it was moving up morning yesterday, all the children spent the morning with their new teachers. They were very excited and they are really looking forward to the new challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Year 6 prepared a delicious lunch for all the staff on Tuesday. They cooked curry, rice, noodles and pasta salad with even chocolate brownies and muffins for pudding. It was enjoyed by everyone with plenty left for the Year 6 children to feast on too! Thank you Year 6!
We have all enjoyed a wonderful celebration assembly from Year R this morning. The children were amazing and spoke confidently to a packed hall! It is hard to believe that they have only been here a year and they knew when to speak, when to come on and off the stage. They shared all that they had learnt this year from phonics, writing, maths and their school trips and also retold the story ‘Dear Zoo’. It was a lovely assembly Year R, you will have us singing Spring Chicken all day!
Tonight is the End of Year Leavers’ Disco! There is great excitement amongst the children. I’m sure they will have a wonderful time!
Have a lovely weekend,