Friday 5th July 2019
Sharing our gifts and talents and looking after our world..
What a great week we have had. I can’t believe it’s July already, where has the time gone? It's hard to believe that we have less than three weeks remaining of this school year. It's been so busy, and we've got lots of lovely things still to come!
The Summer Fair last Saturday, on the hottest day of the year so far, was a great success! The children did brilliantly with their £5 challenge stalls, such great ideas for making money! Thank you to the PSA and everyone who helped to make the day a success.
The children have been sharing their talents this week with a special Yoga assembly on Tuesday morning. The children who come to the weekly Yoga club gave a great demonstration of their skills, they had prepared really well! We had a wonderful music concert from our talented musicians on Tuesday afternoon. There were children from Year R to Year 6 playing some even having created their own compositions too! There are a number of Year 6 children who have been playing at the concerts since they were really little and they played for the last time! They are all very talented.
The Eco Council have had a busy week, leading the assembly on Wednesday morning and our Year 6 Eco Council reps are going to an Eco Summit next Wednesday! We look forward to hearing all about it. Thank you for looking after our world.
We have been making the most of the sunshine this week with lots of outdoor learning. The Year 4 children were enjoying a tennis lesson; maybe we will see someone competing at Wimbledon in years to come? Year 3 has been measuring liquid as part of the maths lessons on capacity. Our Year R children are always outdoors enjoying their learning.
Next week our plans for the new school year continue with our ‘Moving Up Day’. The new Year R children and parents will join us on Thursday morning and most of our Year 6 children will spend a day at their new secondary schools. Everyone else will move up to their new classes. It will be an exciting week for us all!
This morning we have all enjoyed Year 2's special class assembly. They sang and spoke beautifully as they told us about toys through history and we could see how much the children have learnt this year. Thank you Year 2 we loved your singing as well!
Have a lovely weekend,