Friday 12th May 2023
Well done to Year 6
As Year 5 were learning yesterday, a temperate climate gives changeable weather conditions. I think we have certainly seen that at school over that last week, with thunder, lightning, heavy rain and sunshine.
The building work is going really well, and we can see the new rooms taking shape; the walls being painted, and the ceilings are going up. We are planning to start moving into the new rooms at the start of July, which is really exciting, however we will have some very busy weeks ahead.
Year 2 had a wonderful visit from Florence Nightingale on Tuesday. It was a great way to learn about the history of this amazing lady, through exploring a fascinating range of sources. The loved the drama and role play. Looking after the soldiers, washing and ironing the bandages, even using the bedpan!
This week our Year 6 children have taken their SATs tests. They have worked really hard, and they did their very best during the tests. The questions are not easy and the children have approached every paper with resilience and determination. I have been so impressed with how they have risen to challenges this year. Well done Year 6!
We have also been talking about May, the month of Mary and talked about Mary’s life in preparation for our May Procession next Tuesday. The last time we had this special celebration was in 2017, our Year 6 children were in year R! Ladywell Chapel is very beautiful, and it will be wonderful to return as a school, giving the children the chance to experience this special celebration as a school family. We hope to have a dry sunny day for the procession and picnic!
Many of our Year 4 children will make their First Holy Communion this Sunday. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they make this important step in their spiritual journey.
We also have Mass and picnic on Saturday afternoon to celebrate the life of Maria. Our lovely ex pupil who died last year aged 15. I remember her making her First Communion and still have the little card she gave me then on my notice board by my desk. The Mass and picnic will be a wonderful way to remember her.
Have a lovely weekend,