Friday 17th March 2023
Celebrating difference and looking after each other!
This week is Neurodiversity Week. During assembly on Monday, we talked about how our brains work differently and whilst some of us find some things easy, others find them hard. We talked about ADHD, autism and dyslexia and celebrating our differences and some well-known people and celebrities who are neuro-diverse like Billie Eilish and Greta Thunburg.
We also talked about Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well and how Jesus didn’t judge people or treat them differently. This is such an important reminder for us all to treat others fairly and with loving kindness.
Well done to all our swimmers, and thank you for taking part in last Saturday's gala. There were some brilliant swimmers, with great stamina, and we came third over all. The children really enjoyed taking part in this event, especially as it was the first one in quite a few years.
On Tuesday, Nurse Holly came to visit Year R as part of the children’s learning about people who help us. The children were all bandaged up, which they loved! You can see them pictured above.
Wednesday was an INSET day. The LSAs were all at Salesian School in Chertsey with all the other LSAs from Xavier schools, where they heard an inspirational speaker talking about his experiences in foster care. The teachers were at school, where we worked on Inclusive Practice, a safeguarding update and moving to Arbor for the children’s assessment data. We also managed to make time for a lovely lunch at the Yew Tree Café!
Tuesday afternoon saw success for St Edmund’s at the hockey tournament. The children played really well and one of the teams won in the final.
Mother’s Day Celebration Assembly led by Year R this afternoon. This is always a special treat for the mummies and for many of the children, the first time that they have sung and spoken in front of a big audience. I’m really looking forward to it!
Please join us for our termly School Mass this Sunday morning at St John’s Farncombe at 8.45am. The children making their First Holy Communion will be leading the readings.
Have a lovely weekend,