Friday 1st July 2022
Sports Morning, God's Planet and preparation for the new school year!
What a busy week we have had! Our Year R children enjoyed a wonderful day at Tuesley Farm on Monday. They picked punnets and punnets of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. They had a tractor ride around the farm and even managed to avoid the rain and stay dry!
Tuesday saw our new Year R children and parents joining us for the first time. It was lovely to meet them all properly. All the children moved up to their new classes and met their new teachers. Our Year 6 children have also been to visit their new schools too. We have another three weeks before the ned of term and still much to do!
Father Jonathan joined us on Wednesday to celebrate for the Feast of St Peter and Paul.
Yesterday we very colourful and creative with a whole day visit from Rise Theatre. They told the children about the importance of looking after our wonderful world and travelled around the planet and under the see to show us how to look after God’s Planet. There was great singing and actions and all the children got involved in making props and the performance.
We had perfect weather for sports day today, not too hot, but dry and sunny. We were delighted to be able to invite parents and grandparents back this year for the sports, picnic lunch and celebration of work this afternoon. The children were wonderfully supportive of each other and took part with determination, enthusiasm and resilience. A huge thank you to Mrs McCarthy for all her work in organising the whole morning.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend,