Friday 13th May 2022
O2, May month of Mary and well done Year 6!
Last Friday, we had a wonderful day at the O2 for the Young Voices Concert. The children were fantastic and loved the whole experience; singing as part of a choir of over 7,200 children. They sang a wide range of songs from O Fortuna, to The Beatles and The Muppets! We are already looking forward to Young Voices 2023.
For the first time since 2019, our Year 6 children have taken their SATs tests this week. They have worked really hard and did their very best during the tests. They have had to rise to many challenges over the past few years, and we have all been so impressed with their resilience and determination this year. Well done Year 6!
Our Year 1 children had a very wet afternoon on Wednesday. They were taking part in a Year 1multi-skills event at Broadwater. Unfortunately, we hadn’t realised that it would be outside, or that it would be such a wet afternoon! The children were all smiling when they returned to school and although rather damp, seemed to have enjoyed their afternoon!
Very sadly, our little blue tit chicks have not survived. They were all looking healthy last Friday but by Monday there was only one weak looking chick left in the nest. We don't know whether there wasn't enough food for them or something frightened them, it is sad, but we know that these things do often happen in the natural world.
Year 5 children had a great afternoon of science on Monday. They tried a wonderful range of experiments looking at changing states. The children were really engaged and enthusiastic, I was very impressed by their scientific knowledge too!
During our assembly this morning, we looked at the wonderful new hall display which has taken shape this week. Each class has created a postage stamp for one of the decades of the last 70 years to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. There are also little pictures of the queen travelling to the next decade using a mode of transport from that time! I hope that lots of families will want to take part in our Jubilee Project and create something special to share what you have learnt about the last 70 years. I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone’s ideas.
We have also been talking about May, the month of Mary and talked about Mary’s life. Here are the Year 2 children in the crowns of flowers for Mary earlier this week.
Have a great weekend,