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Friday 18th March 2022

Out and about, and yellow and blue

We are all dressed in blue and yellow today to show our support for Ukraine. The children look very colourful and have even found t shirts and accessories to show their support. Thank you for your generous donations. The money we have raised will go to the British Red Cross.

During our assembly this week we talked about the Transfiguration of Jesus and how Peter, James and John may have felt seeing their friend change. We thought about the changes we are making during Lent and how what we do or say can affect others. We want to do this in a positive way as the little things we do really can make a difference.

We have had two classes out and about this week with Year 2 going to Brooklands Motor Museum on Tuesday, they had a wonderful day, and Year 6 to Wintershall yesterday for a very special Lenten workshop and reflection.

On Wednesday we had our Xavier Trust INSET day. The LSAs from all the schools met together at The Salesian School in Chertsey to listen to Chris Lube, who was one of Nelson Mandela’s bodyguards giving an inspirational talk. They also explored ways to promote play during playground sessions. The teachers from our school met up with teachers from St Cuthbert Mayne to work on curriculum planning and vocabulary progression. It was a really useful morning, and as one form entry schools, really good to share what we are doing.

We have set up the birdbox camera again, and I have seen a pair of bluetits flying in and out, I hope that will choose our box for their nest. You can watch their progress here:

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend,
