Friday 4th March 2022
Celebrating reading!
It is the first Friday of March already! During our assembly on Monday morning we talked about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday and their origins and the traditions. See if the children can remember what the word ‘shrove’ means? We talked about how we can come closer to God during Lent by what we say, what we do and how we treat one another. We are especially thinking about showing kindness to others and being grateful for all that we have at this difficult time. We talked a little about the war in Ukraine and the children were very thoughtful and knowledgeable. We thought about what we can do to help and prayed together for peace.
The highlight of the week has been World Book Day, which took place yesterday. The children were dressed in amazing costumes, I am always so impressed by all the creative ideas they come up with. Seeing everyone dressed up together in the hall really did put a smile on all our faces. There were several Hermiones, Mary Poppinses, princesses, Willy Wonkas, Where’s Wallys, Matildas, The Worst Witches, even the Famous Five made an appearance. Here are the class winners for the best costumes.
The teachers had made a wonderful effort too. Thank you very much everyone. I also shared a story with the children, which everyone seemed to enjoy. I chose 'Dogger' by Shirley Hughes, one of my favourite books. I particularly wanted to read this, as I had heard about the sad news of Shirley Hughes death the day before, at the grand age of 94. I'm sure that her stories will live on in future generations. There have been some great entries coming in for the ‘Reading in Unusual Places’ competition. Winners will be announced next week.
Father Jonathan joined us on Wednesday for our Ash Wednesday Liturgy. Having visitors back in school, and the whole school gathered together for events like these has been really special; something we have all really missed.
Please do spare a few minutes to complete the parent survey. (Links were sent out via email earlier this week)
Have a lovely weekend,