Friday 11th February 2022
Halfway through the school year!
As we reach the February half-term, this marks the halfway point in this school year. The time seems to have passed so quickly, yet when we think back to the start of the autumn term, we can see how much the children have already grown and changed. It always feels as if the time passes even more quickly as the year progresses and the days lengthen and summer approaches. We still have so much to do this year and so much to look forward to!
The children have enjoyed finding out about Children’s Mental Health Week and the importance of sharing how we feel. They have thought about their support networks and what they can do if they are not feeling in control. We have recently introduced the ‘Zones of Regulation’ across the school. This helps the children to identify their emotions and learn to self-regulate. The children can place their names on a particular coloured zone when they come into the classroom and talk about how they are feeling, if they wish to. It has been really successful so far. We are planning on leading a parent session after the holiday so that you can come and find out more about what we do.
The children in Year R made me a wonderful support balloon, to lift me up! They are all riding in the basket! Thank you Year R.
Our Golden assembly this morning allowed us time to reflect on what we have all achieved this term and how much the children have learnt. They always enjoy Golden Assembly, even though it is usually rather long! They do enjoy hearing about everyone’s achievements and sharing their successes as a school. Thank you to all the children and teachers for their wonderful work this term.
We took part in Safer Internet Day this Tuesday and this gave us all the chance to think about how we protect ourselves and stay safe online. I think the children will always be at least one step ahead of us, so it is really important that we talk to them about what they are doing online, why they like, who they talk to etc.
Have a lovely half-term holiday,