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Friday 12th November 2021

Remembrance and visitors

Remembrance and visitors

During our assemblies this week we have been talking about the life of St Edmund. The children already know a great deal about our patron saint, and they have been retelling the story of his short life in preparation for his feast day next week.

We had a special service of Remembrance on Thursday morning. We thought about all those who gave their lives in the service of their country. We all joined in with the silence at 11am. I have been so impressed with all that the children have learnt.  There has been a real buzz around the school this week, from Year R to Year 6, the children have been inspired to write and create some amazing pieces of work. You can see work from children in Year 5 and 6 above. Here are some of the beautiful poppies made by Year 1.

Felix, in Year 4, has written this powerful haiku which he read during our service this morning:

Yes, lest we forget

Brave soldiers who fought in war

Long, dirty trenches


Gross rats everywhere

The German’s showed no mercy

But neither do we.


Guns that shoot and kill

The sound of the machine gun

Trenches lined with sand-bags


Airplanes attacking.

We remember by poppies

Those days of ‘Great War’


Great slaughter happens

On the battlefields of war

When soldiers risked their lives


Lice, rats and disease

The terrible conditions

They had to live in.


It was horrible,

But now just a memory

Those days of despair.


On Wednesday we welcomed prospective parents for our Open Morning. I was able to talk to everyone in the well-spaced hall and with the help of our amazing Year 6 children, the visitors had an outside tour of the school, looking in to every classroom to see what the children were learning. At least parents could get a feel for our school, and I was delighted with the wonderful feedback we have received.

Today we have the flu vaccinations for all the children. Almost all the children in the school will receive the vaccine, which is a quick squirt up their nostrils! The morning is running very smoothly, and the children are being calm and brave. I hope the vaccine helps to keep the children healthy over the winter months.

I hope everyone has their odd socks ready for Monday! By wearing them we want to celebrate our differences and individuality!

Have a good weekend,

