Friday 17th September 2021
Welcome Year R
We have had everyone at school this week as our new Year R children joined us. It has been amazing to see how quickly the children have settled in. We are very impressed with them all, they look very smart and grown up in their school uniforms. Our Year 6 children have been delighted to get back to their ‘Buddy’ roles and get to know and support the younger children. I’m sure that you will join me in making our new families feel welcome.
Whilst St Ed’s Clubhouse has been running, very successfully, before and after-school since the first day of term, there have been several clubs and activities restarting this week. We have seen the return of judo, sewing, indoor athletics, tennis with netball, cross country, basketball, football and choir coming soon! It’s great to see so many children enjoying these activities with their friends across the school.
We started the week with our assembly, by talking about Emma Radacanu’s inspiring victory at the US Open. Some of the children already knew quite a lot about her and her journey. It’s exciting to think of all the things that our children may achieve in the future. We also discussed who Jesus is and what being a follower of Jesus means. There were many ways that the children came up with of how we can live our lives as followers of Jesus.
Our Year 4 children have their first, First Holy Communion preparation session this weekend, do keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they embark on this important step in their spiritual journey.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,