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Xavier Catholic Education Trust

St Edmund's school is part of the Xavier Catholic Education Trust (CET). Xavier CET was set up in 2016, when a group of Catholic schools came together wanting to support each other to consistently deliver exceptional educational experiences for all the children in our care.

For a list of all the schools in the Xavier Catholic Education Trust click here


About Xavier 

Xavier provides its schools with central services, including teacher training and professional development, so that leaders in our schools are free to focus on what matters most, creating exceptional educational experiences for all the children in our care.

For more information please visit:

Called to serve, striving for excellence

Our Catholic faith is central to all that we do as it is the source of the values that inspire our work. While we welcome applicants from all faiths and none, we ask that the people working within our trust and at our schools are equally committed to collaborating with us in our missionto inspire, nurture and fulfil the calling of every person we encounter and the potential of every school we serve; growing together in faith, hope and love. We believe that each one of us is called by God personally to fulfil their potential; to make a difference that makes the part of the world they occupy a better place.

This is particularly important for the children, who are at the start of their journey to fulfil their calling and only get one chance at experiencing high-quality provisions in school. Across our schools, we strive for excellence in all that we do. We are constantly seeking to improve our practice and the provision that the children experience to secure opportunities for growth.

Please visit our website to learn more about our values and strategic aims.

Any Questions?

You can contact Xavier CET directly by emailing:

For more information about the Diocese, see: Diocese of Arundel and Brighton

All Xavier CET statutory financial information, including annual accounts, can be found here

All Xavier CET policies, including those related to charging and admissions, complaints, data protection, and health and safety, can be viewed here