Friday 18th June 2021

Out and about...
What a hot start to the week we had! The children have coped well with the heat this week. Now, today, we have torrential rain. At least the gardens will get the water they need.
We have been busy with trips and visits and getting out and about. The week has gone very quickly, time does fly when we are having fun!
On Monday, Year 2 had a visit from Chertsey Museum who lead a Toy Workshop for the children. As part of their learning the children are finding out all about toys from the past. The enjoyed examining old toys and trying some out and even making their own thaumatrope.
It was Year 5’s turn for a school trip on Tuesday when they spent the day at Henley Fort in Guildford. Having missed their residential visit in Year 4, they were really excited about their day of adventurous activities. It has beautiful weather, and we had amazing views across Guildford. The children tried climbing, team building activities and the challenge course. It was great to see them supporting each other and working together. Getting wet at the end of the day was a highlight for some!
On Wednesday I had my first face to face meeting with local headteachers in the GLP in eighteen months. It was great to see everyone again after so long, meetings on Zoom are just not the same. After school, the classteachers had a chance to meet with colleagues in the Xavier Trust to moderate writing. This was a useful opportunity to see what everyone else is working on and share what we all do well.
On Thursday morning we invited our governors into school for a learning walk. We started in Year R and worked our way up to Year 6. It was wonderful to see the progression and learning across the school and how well the children have adapted to changes and coped with the last year. It was lovely to have them back in school and see what really goes on in the classrooms. Our governors were very impressed by the children and staff.
Next week, Year 6 have their residential visit to Henley Fort. We will be staying from Tuesday to Friday, sleeping in yurts. It’s all very exciting! Hopefully the weather will be a bit drier than today!
Have a lovely weekend,