Friday 23rd April 2021
Welcome back to the summer term!
We have had a lovely first week of the summer term. The weather has been warm and sunny and the children have enjoyed being back with their friends.
During our assemblies we talked about the joyful celebration of Easter and how Jesus’ disciples felt after he had died. They found it very hard to understand and believe what had happened. We talked about the opportunities that we have to share the good news through or actions, deeds and words both at home and at school.
We are delighted to have at least eight tiny blue tit eggs in the birdbox, this year. Do have a look and follow their progress here:
This week, we had a Teaching and Learning visit from two of our colleagues in the Xavier Trust. They visited all classes and spent time looking at the children’s learning and talking to staff. It was really helpful to hear their suggestions, and we know that by working together we can give the children at St Edmund’s the very best opportunities. We have started some of our school clubs again: basketball, cross-country and hockey; with sewing, football and rounders beginning next week.
The children in Year R had a very exciting visit from our local police youth engagement officers and their police car. The children especially enjoyed seeing the lights and hearing the siren on the police car!
Year 4 children have taken part in their Bikeability sessions this week and really enjoyed the challenge. It was great to see them happily whizzing around the playground.
Having these extra-curricular and enrichment activities again after such a long period of lockdown is really exciting, and we know that, at long last, things are getting better.
Have a lovely weekend,