Friday 19th March 2021
Lent and preparations
Another week back at school and everyone has settled back in really well. The time is passing really quickly now with less than two weeks until we break up for the Easter holidays. It hasn't been particularly warm for most of this week, but with longer days and everything starting to come into bud; spring is in the air.
We are preparing for Easter. The children in each class have created crosses to make up our Lenten hall display, it is coming together really well, we are still incorporating our rainbow into the design too. The children in KS 2 have made cards and written prayers for a Parish competition. There were some really thoughtful, beautifully illustrated entries. They have just gone off to the printers, I think they will look amazing! Winners will be announced very soon.
The children in Year R have been learning about People Who Help Us. They have been firefighters this week, dressing in the uniform and timing and recording their learning, using their number and literacy skills too! It looked like great fun!
A wonderful igloo has been taking shape in Year 2. It was been a long awaited project, with milk bottles accumulating for weeks. As you can see, they children have really enjoyed making it and it's even big enough to fit six children inside!
In Year 3 the children have been combining art and skeletons making live sized paper skeleton and paper mache skulls. The children have really enjoyed making them.
The children in Years 5 and 6 have been really inspired to read more by our new Accelerated Reader programme. Once they have read their books, they can log on and take a quiz based upon the book they have just read and earn points too. It's wonderful to see so many children engrossed in their books and so keen to read! We will get the children in Year 3 and 4 started very soon.
As part of our journey through Lent Year 6 children were fortunate to have a special Lent workshop, yesterday. They followed the Way of the Cross, thought deeply about the last journey Jesus made, got up close with Sam the donkey, thinking about what it would have been like to carry Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
It is St Joseph’s Feast day today. We will have a special, virtual, liturgy this afternoon led by Father Jonathan. We will think about St Joseph, patron Saint of workers and families and also the difficulties that he overcame as guardian of the Holy Family. During this most difficult of years we will be exploring the seven joys and sorrows of St Joseph.
Have a lovely weekend,