Friday 12th February 2021
We are ready for the half term holiday!
It’s been a very strange first six weeks of 2021, back at school. It’s hard to believe that on Monday 4th January, we had almost all the children in school for one day only! It seems so long ago! Since then we have all become used to a different way of learning, whether you are one of the few children in school or learning from home, it has all changed. We miss having all the children here so much and can’t wait to get everyone back together again. We really hope this will be Monday 8th March, only two more weeks of remote learning after half term.
Although things are very different, and we can’t be together in school we have all enjoyed being together virtually, through our assemblies and class sessions. This has been the highlight of each week, seeing everyone's faces, finding our how everyone is getting on and hearing what you have been doing at home.
We so many children working from home and on screens for long periods of time, it was important this week to talk about online safety and support Safer Internet Day. Two of our Digital Leaders have made a short video for the children, the link is on Seesaw.
There has been an international atmosphere in school this week! Year 6 have been having an International Week, with virtual visits to India, Italy, France, Spain and China! Year R have been learning about Chinese New Year, which we are celebrating today. Year 5 have been baking Greek biscuits and Year 3 and 4 have made Italian meals. In Year 2 the children made stone soup, as part of their learning about sharing and happiness! In Year 1 the children have been writing their own sets of instructions with some delicious recipes being prepared too. The picture at the top show Year 2 children collecting some data, they found that there wasn't a lot of passing traffic!
Thank you for making appointments and making the time to join the teachers to talk about how the children are doing. It was great to see and hear from everyone at home and catch up with how things are going. The teachers were so pleased to hear all the positive feedback and what is working well.
Everyone has been working very hard and I think everyone needs a proper rest next week!
Look after each other, enjoy the half term break and hope to see you all very soon,