Friday 8th January 2021
A new year and return to school for some...
What a week, and what a start to 2021! I don't think anyone can really belive that we are starting the year with partial school closures and home learning, again!
On Monday we were here, welcoming everyone back and hopefully starting the New Year. In the next twenty four hours, everything changed completely. I’m so pleased that we had so many children in school on Monday, at least we got to see everyone and hear about their Christmas holidays and presents. I really hope that it is not too long before we have everyone back in school.
I have been so proud and impressed by how well everyone has coped with the changes this week. The teachers have adapted the way they work, yet again, to provide high quality remote teaching at the same time as teaching those in school. The children have been amazing. They have a great enthusiasm for learning and are all well engaged with learning whether at home or at school. Great resilience has been shown by all. I thought I would share some of the wonderful home learning that has been going on this week across the school.
I hope everyone manages to have a break this weekend and look after each other.