Friday 11th December
Elves and Christmas jumpers
What a cold week it has been? Despite the icy weather, the children have enjoyed all our Christmas activities and preparations.
We heard the lovely news this week, that we had two overall winners in the Godalming Learning Partnership Remembrance Competition. Congratulations to Dylan, Year R and Isaac, Year 4. The children all enjoyed taking part in the competition and we are looking forward to joining in with the GLP Spring Term Art Competition next year.
During our assemblies on Monday we talked about our preparations for Christmas and how John the Baptist made a path for Jesus, preparing the way for him. We thought about how we can prepare ourselves and the little things we are doing to show kindness and love to others. This week we have had several opportunities for giving and helping those in need.
We started with our Elf Run for the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice on Monday, although it was very cold and sleety, the children kept warm whilst running and really enjoyed the afternoon. They have raised over £2500 already, thank you!
The Tuesday collection box for the local food bank has been a great success, thank you for supporting this.
Today, we are also thinking of others with our Christmas Jumper Day to support The Meath Epilepsy Charity. The children are very excited about wearing their Christmas jumpers and also Christmas lunch today. We are ready to serve over 200 Christmas dinners later, we have the crackers and Christmas music ready! I know the children are really looking forward to it. After missing out on so many things this year, we are really pleased that the children can enjoy these events in school.
We took part in the CAFOD Light of the World, Advent assembly yesterday morning. During the assembly they reflected on what it what it means to share the light of Jesus in Advent, and how we can make Christmas special for everyone. Pope Francis said: “Choose kindness. Those who do so become shining stars in the midst of the darkness”. We certainly have a host of shining stars at St Edmund’s this year!
I hope everyone stays well and enjoy the weekend,