Friday 4th December 2020
A wintery start to Advent
There is a definite atmosphere of preparation and expectation in school this week! It’s December, it's freezing cold with the possibility of sleet today and the children are certainly enjoying being at school. When I visited each class yesterday, the Year R children were hard at work in the toy factory with Father Christmas, they were very busy making lists and wrapping presents, it looked like great fun! Across the school, Year 1, the children have been learning about the Great Fire of London, Year 2 have been making amazing Advent Wreaths; Year 3 were travelling back in time with their Stone Age stories; Year 4 have carried on with their PE lessons despite the rain yesterday, in Year 5, the children have been reading Greek myths and Year 6 enjoying reading War Horse. In between all of these activities, the children have been in the hall rehearsing in their groups for their little Christmas performances. Here are some of our Year 3 children in action!
We have switched on the lights on our beautiful Christmas tree. We also illuminated our very special new hall display. During our assemblies this week, we have talked about Advent and how this time of waiting is different to the celebration of Christmas. Whilst we are all making festive preparations at home and school: Christmas trees, decorations and online shopping, what really matters is how we prepare ourselves inside. The children shared ideas and the things they would do; helping at home, giving generously, doing things without being asked, showing kindness and love to those who need it most. They will have two exciting opportunities for giving to others next week with the Elf Run and Christmas Jumper Day, both of which they are really looking forward to. Here are our School Council wearing their Christmas Jumpers for a publicity photo for The Meath:
We are going to record our class Christmas Performances next week. Although this is not what we usually do, we hope that you enjoy seeing the carols, plays and readings that the children have prepared to share with you. Being able to see the progression from Reception to Year 6 will be really special and something different for us all to enjoy this year.
Keep warm and enjoy the weekend,