Friday 5th June 2020
Back to school!
We have had a great week back at school. After ten weeks at home for many of our children we are finally able to increase our numbers in school. Over the course of this week we have had the key worker’s children in and our Year 6 and Year R classes have also returned. We had all been extremely busy for the last few weeks making preparations for more children to return. Each class has been split into two groups and we have prepared rooms, maximising space and setting out tables, equipment and resources for each one. The rooms look really inviting and we hope will encourage the children to settle quickly back into school.
Playtimes and lunchtimes have been quite different but the children have adapted to the changes well. We do have remind a few to keep their distance but they are managing the new routines really well.
Thank you so much for getting the children in and sticking to the staggered timings. Seeing the school filling up with smiling children again has been amazing and has made it seem like our school again.
We do miss everyone in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 very much and we’re very sad that we can’t have everyone back just yet. We are thinking of you all and love seeing all the work you are doing on Seesaw, keep on posting your pictures and messages, and we hope that we will all be back together soon.
The children in Year 6 were back at school just in time to take part in the Young Voices big choir singing ‘Power In Me’ on Tuesday afternoon. There were children right across the world singing together, at home and in schools. Thank you to our choir members who joined in from home too, I hope it brought back happy memories of our concert at the O2 in February.
We have managed a couple of in class assemblies in Year 6, giving the children a chance to talk about their feelings and recent news events including the situation in America and ‘Black Lives Matter’. I have been very impressed by their maturity and thoughtfulness. It is so important at the time especially that we are kind to one another and take time to listen.
The picture above is from the story that I have illustrated called 'Wings to Fly'. I have added the book below if you would like to have a look? I know that lots of the children have found it helpful as they return to school.
Year 1, we are ready for you to join us on Monday!
Have a lovely weekend,