Friday 22nd May 2020
End of a this half term..
It's the Friday before the summer half term, but what a strange half term it has been! In school we have quickly adapted to this way of working and we have enjoyed the daily routine, doing our morning workout with Joe Wicks on our PE mats, getting to know the small group of children really well, keeping up with all the wonderful home learning activity on Seesaw, lots of cleaning tables and equipment and most importantly spending time together. Time moves on so quickly, it is amazing how we get used to things changing. Our baby blue tits have fledged, they flew the nest on Tuesday, the space of three weeks they are ready to fly off!
After half term, we will begin the next phase of school life, the return! It's going to be challenging, especially the social distancing with our younger pupils and it is going to be very strange for every one. We just want our children, families and staff to be as safe and happy as possible at this time. Thank you for all your support and encouraging messages, they do mean a lot and keep us going! Pictured above is a beautiful wooden rainbow made by one of our key worker children who has been with us every day from another local school, and lovely flowers from a parent.
Have a lovely half term break, such as it is, I think the beautiful weather is set to continue which will help, I'm sure.
I'm looking forward to seeing many of you returning in June, and we will continue to miss everyone who is unable to return yet. One day, we will all be back together again.