Friday 22nd March 2019
Wintershall, infant singing and blue tits nesting
Friday 22nd March 2019
This week we have enjoyed drier weather but it’s still not feeling much like spring yet! We do have visitors in the birdbox, a pair of blue tits have been in and out busily preparing their nest. We are looking forward to following their progress over the next few months.
Our new and improved website is up and running and we are really pleased with it. Do let us know what you think?
Our Year R class have enjoyed another visit from Nurse Holly and baby Eliza, as part of their ‘People who help us’ topic. The children were all bandaged up on Tuesday and even practiced using syringes to measure liquids.
We had a lovely assembly led by a storyteller from the Watts Gallery on Tuesday morning. This links with their latest exhibition ‘Moonscapes’ exploring artists’ and scientists’ fascination with the moon. The children all received a ‘golden ticket’ to go and visit the gallery too.
On Tuesday Year 6 spent the day at Wintershall where they walked the Way of the Cross and took part in some special workshops. The Stations of the Cross at Wintershall are all different and through making the journey that Jesus made, the children are better able to understand how the characters felt and reflect on their own lives during Lent. These experiences will help them as they continue to make preparations for their Passion Play which they will perform during the last week of term before the Easter holidays.
Year 2 took part in the Godalming schools Infant Singing Together on Wednesday evening. This was held at Rodborough where our children sang with Year 2 children from other local schools. They sang songs about being healthy and keeping fit; they performed beautifully and will sing again for their parents next week.
Also on Wednesday evening five year 6 children had their art work exhibited at Kind Edward’s School in Witley. The paintings were all inspired by famous artists’ work but with a contemporary twist. The children and their families were invited to the exhibition. We were delighted that Matthew was awarded second place for his Picasso inspired sculpture. They are all very talented artists!
We have had a lovely assembly led by Year 5 this morning all about space and the planets. The children taught us so much and made us all laugh with their ‘rap’! Well done Year 5.
Have a lovely weekend,