Friday 28th February 2020
Back to school, Ash Wednesday and House Afternoon..
Welcome back to the second half of this school year. After a wintry, wet and stormy half term break, the unsettled weather has continued into this week. There was great excitement yesterday morning when we had some sleety snow flurries. We are all hoping for some spring sunshine very soon.
During assembly on Monday morning we talked about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday and their origins and the traditions. See if the children can remember what the word ‘shrove’ means? We talked about how we can come closer to God during Lent by what we say, what we do and how we treat one another. Father Jonathan came in to school to lead our Ash Wednesday Liturgy on Wednesday. The children led the readings well and the singing was beautiful. Father Jonathan talked to the children about how wearing our ashes on our foreheads marked us out as being part of a special club. Thank you to everyone who came to the Liturgy, it was lovely to have so many parents and grandparents joining us. Our Lenten hall display is up. Each class have created a beautiful picture to accompany a Station of the Cross and our large cross in the centre of the display has every child and staff member's name on. Please do come and have a closer look.
Yesterday the children in KS 2 enjoyed a House Afternoon. This was planned and led by their House Captains with support form their teachers. The children took part in a variety of activities: quiet prayer, cooking, art, football, a quiz and even a treasure hunt. It was a very successful afternoon and we hope that this can become a more regular feature and extend to KS 1 as it is a great way for the children to work together, make friends and share their talents.
This morning our Year 4 children are going to Rydes Hill School in Guildford to take part in a special forest school session focusing on the Stations of the Cross. The school is even sending their mini buses to collect us and providing lunch for us all too! (Despite the cold and the rain, they really enjoyed the morning)
We have a busy weekend with children from Year 4 making their first Reconciliation on Saturday afternoon at Ladywell Chapel. Then on Sunday, our First Communion children will lead the Mass at 10:15am at St Joseph’s.
Have a lovely weekend,