Thursday 13th February 2020
Online Safety, visits and visitors and end of the first half term
It's the last day before the February half term holiday and we are now half way through the school year and the time seems to passing so quickly! At school we've had a wonderful start to 2020, it's been exciting and busy and the children have been making great progress whilst enjoying learning.
On Monday our Year 5 children enjoyed science workshops lead by students from the University of Surrey. These sessions are always really good and a great way for our children to learn from others. We also had school trips for Year 1 to the Rural Life Centre in Tilford and Year 3 to Winchester Science Museum. Both classes had a fantastic day out, visits like this really do enrich their learning.
Yesterday we had a visit from Lucy Hall from Wintershall who worked with Years R and 1 on ‘Godly Play’. The children talked about Jesus, the parable of the lost sheep, and the liturgical year. They had a chance to take part in a variety of activities to enhance their learning. Pictured above are some of the sheep in Year R.
The children always love Golden Assembly and yesterday's assembly was no exception. There were lovely awards given for children showing resilience and perseverance in their learning, sharing their enjoyment of learning and several for children who are always smiling and very helpful. St John's House won the Housepoints cup this half term with an impressive 1804 points. This year St John’s House has won every half term so far. We have a House Afternoon planned for after half term and we will see if some further motivation from our inspiring House Captains will make a difference to next term’s points!
Our Spring Term Parents evenings took place earlier this week, thank you to everyone who came, we hope that you found the sessions useful at this half way point in the year.
All the school staff will be here tomorrow, we will be learning more about Special Educational Needs and how we can provide the most effective support in the classroom.
Have a lovely half term break and I'm looking forward to seeing what the next half of the school year brings for us all at St Edmunds.