Friday 31st January 2020
Chinese New Year and Year 1's assembly
It's the last day of January and we have had rather mixed weather this week. It has certainly been getting lighter in the mornings and evenings as the days begin to lengthen. There is no sign of any really wintery weather yet, maybe in February?
We talked about being a follower of Jesus during our assembly on Monday. We imagined that we were there when the disciples were chosen and thought about how they reacted to Jesus’ calling. We talked about the following questions ‘Would Jesus choose you as 1 of the 12 disciples if He was choosing today? How would you answer him? Jesus is looking for disciples today; are you ready to follow him?’
I had a really inspiring day on Tuesday at a Headteacher’s Learning Event thinking about the importance of our curriculum and early reading in raising standards for all children. There is a project that I hope we will be able to participate in which will be really beneficial for us all.
In lessons this week I have seen the children cooking, noodles in Year R and Chinese lunch in Year 6. Science, testing the viscosity of liquids in Year 3, the Year 5 children were challenging themselves comparing fractions. In Year 4, the children are really enjoying their writing about Roald Dahl and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Year R have been learning about Chinese New Year, as well as enjoying their noodles, they wore red on Tuesday and learning a wonderful, very colourful dragon dance. Year 2 children have been writing poetry about rugby in preparation for the Rugby Six Nations.
I have spent some time in Year 6 this week working on an art project, something that I love doing but don’t have much time to do these days! We have been looking at the artist Frida Kahlo, finding out more about her and working on some pieces inspired by her portraits and still life.
We all had a treat this morning with Year 1’s class celebration assembly. We were taken on an exciting time travel adventure with Mr Benn through the fancy dress shop complete with shopkeeper! We met Queen Victoria, Elizabeth the First and Second and even Neil Armstrong! We know you love learning and history in Year 1.
We have two discos tonight, which I know the children are looking forward to. This weekend our First Communion children have their next preparation session and they will lead the readings at the 6pm Mass at St Edmund’s on Saturday evening.
Have a lovely weekend,