Friday 10th January 2020
New Year, new decade and back to school
It has been a lovely start to 2020. The children all seem to be very happy to be back at school and are full of stories of the special Christmas holidays and gifts that they had received. They were all certainly very excited to see their friends again after the holiday.
We had a special Epiphany Liturgy on Monday as we thought about the journey the three kings made to Bethlehem and the awe and wonder of seeing the new born King and presenting him with their gifts. The children were able to talk about the unusual gifts that the kings brought Jesus and the meanings behind each of them. We wrote our Epiphany Blessing for each classroom: 20+C+M+B+20. Do ask the children to explain what it means, I hope they can remember!
We talked about the gifts that we would give to Jesus and how we can use our gifts and talents wisely. The children came up with great ideas, sharing their time, respect, showing love for others and sharing their skills. There will be an opportunity to see some of their talents in action this term as we are going to hold the Talent Show again. The children were very excited by the announcement and to I have seen quite a few children already planning their acts and rehearsing in the playground!
The children have started the term with great enthusiasm for learning with exciting new topics being taught across the school this term. I have already seen some challenging maths involving fractions in Year 6 and a times tables challenge in Year 5; Year 1 has been off to space with Neil Armstrong; Year 3 children have been performing poetry and dance in PE; Year 4 has been visiting Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Year 2 children have been writing fairy tales. Year R children have been learning about winter and the feast of Epiphany this week. They have all managed to pack in quite a lot of learning into their first week back.
This Sunday our children making their First Holy Communion this year will be leading the readings at Mass at St Joseph’s at 10:15am, please do come and support them.
Have a lovely weekend and Happy New Year,