Friday 8th March 2019
Reading, pancakes and Lent...
This week has been very busy with an exciting and colourful World Book Day yesterday, lovely assemblies and a visiting author. The children were dressed in amazing costumes, I am always so impressed by all the creative ideas they come up with. There were Harrys and Hermiones, princesses, pirates, Charlie and Willy Wonka, Verruca Salt, Violet Beauregard, Gangsta Grannys, Mr Stinks, Alices in Wonderland, Gangster Granny and even the three musketeers! There were class winners and overall KS1 and KS2 winners. Here they are:
On Monday the children took part in a book quiz which St John's house won. It was a really enjoyable and memorable day and certainly inspired the children to talk about and share the books they love.
Key Stage 2 welcomed author visit Leysa Henderson who talked about her book and her inspiration for writing about the deforestation in Borneo. Her visit certainly made the children think.
We also had a competition running to get caught reading in the most unusual place. There were some amazing entries across the school. Behind the toilet rolls in Sainsbury’s, on the trampoline, in the bath, even on the roof of a car!
On Tuesday our Year 1 class walked down to Crown Court to take part in the annual Godalming Pancake Races in the presence of the Mayor. The weather was dry and sunny while the children ate their picnic lunch. On the return journey there was even time for a quick stop to play in the playground.
During assembly on Monday morning we talked about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday and their origins and the traditions. See if the children can remember what the word ‘shrove’ means?
Father David came into school for our Ash Wednesday Liturgy. The children led the readings really well and the singing was beautiful. During the offertory the children brought up the Lenten Promises that they had made. The children will try hard to keep these promises to help them come closer to God during Lent. We wrapped up the word Alleluia and we will bring it out again when we celebrate the good news at Easter. Thank you to everyone who came to the Liturgy, it was lovely to see so many parents and grandparents there.
We have had our first Lenten Mass this morning, please do come and join us next Friday at 8:15am if you are able to.
We have had a few visits from our friendly neighbourhood police officers this week. Year R was visited by Zach’s mum with her police car. Years 5 and 6 had a talk from PC Dan who told them about the role of the police in the local community and the children all got to see the police car with the lights on!
We have quite a lot happening this weekend too with children from Year 4 making their first Reconciliation on Saturday afternoon at Ladywell Chapel followed by the Godalming Schools Swimming Gala on Saturday evening. Children from Years 4, 5 and 6 will be taking part. On Sunday our First Communion children will lead the Mass at 10:15am at St Joseph’s.
It’s going to be a busy weekend,