Friday 4th October 2019
Commissioning Service and Grandparents Day preparations..
After a wonderful adventure with Year 6 last week, it was great to have the whole school back together this week. During our assembly on Monday we talked about challenges and looked at some of the photos and experiences of Year 6 last week. The children loved the challenges and it has really helped them to see just what they can achieve if they work hard and push themselves in all they do. The Year 5 children are already very excited about their visit next year.
We welcome Mrs Odeh, our newest member of staff who joins us in Year 5 as TA, the children have been looking after her and making her feel at home! We also congratulate Mrs Brodbin, our longest serving teacher, on her twenty five years teaching at St Edmunds- what an amazing achievement!
On Wednesday I was joined by Fr Jonathan How, who will be our new Parish Priest at the end of October. He came and met with me, saw the children and staff and enjoyed a school lunch too! I’m sure you will make him feel very welcome.
On Thursday morning we had our Commissioning Service where children promised to carry out their roles and responsibilities to serve one another as part of our school family. It was wonderful to see so many parents there to see their children receive their badges from our governors; Mrs Gordon, Mr Simms and Mr Gaisford.
This afternoon we will welcome many of the children’s grandparents to school, the children are all very excited about performing for them, their singing sounds beautiful and hope that everyone enjoys it. Thank you for all the delicious looking cakes which have been arriving this morning. I know that it will be a very special afternoon. Here are Year 1 preparing for their performance:
Please do join us for our Autumn Term School Mass this Sunday morning at St Joseph's in Milford; I hope to see lots of families there, especially as it will be our last school Mass with Father David. Please come and join us if you can.
Have a lovely weekend,