Friday 13th September 2019
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We have welcomed our youngest children this week. The thirty Reception Class children have settled in brilliantly. They are looking very grown up, confident and proud of themselves. They have been very happy coming into school and we have loved seeing them all and getting to know them. Here they are enjoying their snacks this morning:
We have started some of our exciting clubs this week: art club, indoor athletics, netball, yoga, football, sewing, coding and cross country. Year 3 have had a taster session for the Basketball Club ‘Kidz B Ballin’. Many of our other clubs will be starting next week.
This week as I have visited all the classes I have seen Year R exploring the bikes, the mud kitchen, and the role play area. They have been reading and writing their names and numbers already! Year 1 children have been making great progress with their phonics, Year 2 has created a beautiful display full of the wonders of the world for their RE topic on Beginnings, Year 3 children have started their Stone Age topic with some creative writing, Year 4 has been writing about the Invictus Games, Year 5 children are working on place value in maths and planning their class assembly, Year 6 pupils have been planning their speeches in preparation for today’s assembly and talking about unconditional love as they start their new RE topic. Across the school it has been great to see the children learning with enthusiasm. They are very keen to do their best and have started the year so well in all classes, I am very proud of them all.
Year 6 pupils have led the special House Captain’s assembly this morning. Those who want to stand for House Captain prepared short speeches of around 1 minute. They were very funny and engaging. We were all really impressed by the standard. The children in the younger classes then voted for their House Captain and all the roles and responsibilities will be announced shortly.
It feels as if we have been back at school for quite a while now and everyone is settling into the routine of school life and enjoying learning.
This weekend the children preparing to make their First Holy Communion will start their important journey. They will lead the readings at Mass on Sunday 10:15am at St Joseph’s, Milford. Please come along and do keep them in your thoughts and prayers this year.
Have a lovely weekend,