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Friday 5th July 2024

Sports Day and moving on...

It’s lucky we had sports day on Monday, not today as originally planned; it is pouring with rain this morning! We had a fantastic day on Monday. Working with Godalming College and using their spacious field was a great success. Their students were great with the children, leading each of the activities. It was wonderful to look out across the field at lunchtime, seeing all the families picnicking together on the grass! A huge thank you to Mr Roots and Mrs Shorten for organising the day. This year we introduced a Team Spirit award for children who showed determination, resilience and a great team effort. Our House winners this year were St John’s House for KS 1 and St Luke’s House for KS 2.

Tuesday was our 'Moving Up' morning. Most of our Year 6 children visited their new secondary schools and we all 'moved up' classes. Children met their new teachers and our new Year R parents and children joined us for the first time. There is always a lovely air of excitement around school as everyone is eager to impress and make a good first impression, children and teachers alike! We also welcomed our new Reception children and parents to school for the first time. The children settled in very well, and it was lovely to put faces to names for our new families.

On Wednesday morning, we were joined by Peer Productions, who performed a play; The Forest in Between for our Year 6 students. The play centred around transition and navigating the tricky time between primary and secondary school through exploring themes of friendship, anxiety, bullying and growing up. The play was very moving with an important message of being true to yourself and being kind to others. We are all on a journey and nothing in school ever stands still; as we reach the final two weeks of term, and prepare for the changes which will come with the new school year, this is particularly relevant.

Have a lovely weekend,
