Friday 8th September 2023
A new school year!
Welcome to a new school year. We have just about survived the heatwave! It does seem as if we have been somewhat cheated, after waiting for summer weather all holiday long, just as we returned to school the heatwave arrived! It hasn’t been this hot since June. The children have been very warm, but they have managed well. Instead of the usual September smartness, they are looking a little dishevelled this year. Once the temperature returns to normal next week, I’m sure they will be looking very smart in their ties again!
It has been wonderful to see everyone returning to school this week, the children all seem to have grown over the summer. They are full of excitement for their new classes, all that they are going to learn, and they are really looking forward to the new school year. It is always such an exciting time of year; a time to celebrate new beginnings and look to the future full of hope, promise and possibilities. We welcomed Ademurewa in Year 1, Evelyn and Ivy in Year 3, Eva in year 4, Gabby in Year 5 and Joseph to Year 6. It is not easy starting a new school, but they have all settled in really well. We are delighted to have two new class teachers, Mrs Edwards and Mrs Field and Mr Roots who will be teaching PE in all classes! Our new Reception class will start school on Monday, we can’t wait to have them with us and get to know them all.
During our first assembly on Wednesday we have thought about the new school year and what we all need to have a happy and successful year together. We talked about how we can take up our cross by helping others. We found out about Oscar Romero, and we will be working towards the Oscar Romero award this year. I think we are all ready to get started on this year’s journey. We are all looking forward to the exciting year ahead.
Please come to Mass at the weekend, if you can. At each of the three Masses there will be a special blessing for Education Sunday.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,