Friday 20th January 2023
Working with others
It has been a cold, winter week here. The building project is progressing well, I think we are all very used to it now and school life is just continuing around it!
We started the week with our assembly on Monday morning, back on Zoom, as the hall computer is not working properly! We looked at different paintings showing John the Baptist and Jesus. We thought about his relationship with Jesus, preparing the way and how the artists may have imagined these meetings between the cousins.
Rather than Blue Monday, we had ‘Blue Letter Day’ on Monday, where the children wrote letters and pictures to give to other people, on blue paper to show their gratitude. We talked about how this can make both people feel really special. We also reminded everyone of how important it is talk to a trusted adult, if you have worries. It was a lovely, sunny morning and I think everyone felt that we had had a happy day at school. We even had smiley biscuits for lunch, thanks to Josefine!
Our Year 6 children were invited to Charterhouse school on Tuesday afternoon to take part in science activities. The first week had a chemistry focus. The children were able to experiment with a range of chemical reactions in the science labs, it was very exciting, and they are looking forward to returning next week.
We were back at Charterhouse on Wednesday afternoon with the Digital leaders. The children are taking part in a weekly coding club led by some of the 6th Form students. The children enjoyed seeing the IT suite and starting their own coding projects.
Have a lovely weekend,