Friday 2nd December 2022
Advent preparations
This week has been this first of week of Advent. The children are very excited and busy making preparations for Christmas. We have talked to the children about how Advent is very different to Christmas itself. The time of preparations, decorating, gifts and planning events and the more important task of preparing ourselves inside by showing love towards others, kindness and giving. The children have all been thinking of ways that they can do these things over the next few weeks. Our Advent calendars and wreaths help us to mark the days as we count down to Christmas. The hall display is looking beautiful and yesterday, we lit the lights on the display and the Christmas tree. The tree is beautiful, it’s even taller than last years! Thank you to Oxenford Farm in Elstead.
The children have been busy rehearing for the Christmas Performances next week. I love hearing them singing in the hall again. You can see some of the children rehearing this morning in their Christmas mufti!
There is great excitement for the Christmas Market tomorrow morning. The children have been very busy preparing gifts and activities for their £10 challenge stalls. Please do come and support them if you can. See you there!
Have a lovely weekend,