Friday 11th November 2022
Remembrance and visitors
Friday 11th November 2022
Monday morning started with the flu vaccinations for all the children. Almost all of the children in the school received the vaccine, just a quick squirt up their nostrils! We hope the vaccine helps to keep the children healthy over the winter months.
We had a special service of Remembrance this morning. We thought about all those who gave their lives in the service of their country. We all joined in with the silence at 11am. I have been so impressed with all that the children have learnt.
On Wednesday we welcomed prospective parents for our Open Morning. With the help of my trusty band of Year 6 children, I talked to our visitors in the hall, then parents were taken on a tour of the school, visiting every classroom to see what the children were learning. We had wonderful feedback from parents, who really enjoyed meeting our Year 6 children.
As part of our curriculum monitoring, we have regular ‘learning walks’ looking at learning and teaching in each subject. Yesterday morning it was the turn of science. It was great to see the progression across the school. The children were thoroughly engrossed in their learning including: electricity, the protection of chimpanzees, environmental factors, and forces and friction. We also looked at the children’s learning in their books and their ‘floor books’. These record whole class thoughts and ideas, discussions and photos from the lessons.
Yesterday, Year 1 went to Rodborough to take part in a multi-skills sports event. They were very excited, especially about going on the coach!
Pictured above, you can see some Yr 4 coding, creating their own firework displays. The children are doing some great things in their computing lessons.
I hope everyone has their odd socks ready for Monday! By wearing them we want to celebrate our differences and individuality. This is a great way to raise awareness at the start of Anti-Bullying week.
Have a good weekend,