Thursday 13th June 2019
Bake Off, First Communion Assembly, football and rain...
What a wet week we have had; we really hope summer makes a return very soon!
On Monday morning the ‘Bake Off’ contestants brought in their cupcakes. They looked and tasted amazing! There were such creative ideas all on the theme of 'summer'. The finalists will go through to the next round, with the technical challenge taking place on 26th June - good luck!
Our rounders team did really well at their competition on Tuesday afternoon with one team winning and one team coming third. Well done everyone!
On Wednesday morning we had a visit from author, Kerry Gibb, who read from her books and talked about her inspiration for writing. She was really engaging and encouraging. I think there will be lots of children reading her books in the next few weeks and I think we have a number of budding authors too!
We took part in our first ‘Deanery Football Funday’ on Wednesday. This was held at St Joseph’s School in Cranleigh and gave our Year 6 children a chance to meet and play against other Year 6 children, many of whom will be going to St Peter’s together in September. The weather got very wet as the afternoon progressed but the children still really enjoyed the event!
This morning Year 1 children walked into town to visit Pizza Express. There they learnt how make pizzas, and had the chance to knead the dough, and even throw it in the air! They added the toppings before watching their pizzas go into the oven. They are then able to bring them home for their tea. They all had a lovely morning and even managed to avoid the rain.
Also this morning we have had a very special First Holy Communion assembly led by Year 4. The children told us about their experiences and feelings as they made this special spiritual journey. It was also another chance for them to dress in their special outfits and enjoy being together at this important time in their journey.
Remember we have an INSET day tomorrow and Monday 17th is a mufti day, please bring in sweets for the summer fair.
Have a lovely, long weekend, and let’s home the sun reappears!