Friday 8th July 2022
Results, Wintershall and Year 2's assembly
It’s certainly warming up today, ready for a very hot weekend and heatwave next week! We have only two more weeks of the summer term to go, and still lots of exciting events to come.
There was great success at the rounders tournament on Tuesday afternoon, our two teams came first and second! It is great to be able to compete against other schools again. We are all looking forward to the district sports competition next Wednesday.
I received the Year 6 SATS results on Tuesday morning. The children have done really well, and we are so proud of all they have achieved, especially given the disruption to their education over the past three years. Thank you so much to Mrs Hua for her wonderful work with the children this year. The children can look forward to getting their results in their reports which go out to parents for the whole school next Friday, 15th July.
We had a great day out with Year 6, yesterday for their retreat day at Wintershall. The children spent the day together, exploring Wintershall, thinking about their names and the names we have for God. They could choose from a range of activities for their own reflection. You can see them selecting their names for God, above.
This morning it was the turn of Year 2 to share their class assembly with us all. They told us about their learning, The Day the Crayons Quit, The Moomins and their topic ‘Toys’ through telling a story of the Lost Toy, which was very similar to the parable of the lost sheep. Very well done Year 2. We have really enjoyed seeing the class assemblies again and being able to share with parents and grandparents all that the children have been learning at school.
Tomorrow is the PSA ‘Summer Fest’ between 1 and 4pm, please do come and join us, at least we know we will have good weather!