Friday 7th June 2019
Back to school and important visitors...
Welcome back to the final part of the summer term of this school year. Whilst we are already busy making plans for the next academic year with new children and families, staffing and transition arrangements for the children moving on, we still have just over six weeks left and many exciting events and trips coming up before the end of term.
Two ambassadors from Surrey University came to work with Years 5 and 6 on Monday and led a writing workshop with the children which everyone enjoyed.
On Tuesday we welcomed our Diocesan inspectors for our Section 48 Inspection. As a Catholic school, Ofsted do not inspect the faith element of the school, this is done in a separate inspection. I was extremely proud of the children who were very welcoming and well behaved, and the whole school team who worked very hard together. Thank you to all the parents who took the time to complete the questionnaires. We shared a special liturgy to celebrate our learning from the ‘Come and See’ topic on Pentecost, the children read beautifully, planned liturgical dances, reflections and sung joyfully. We are all very pleased with the outcome and will share the full report with everyone when we receive it in a few weeks.
We had some busy chefs in Year 3 on Wednesday. The children planned and designed savoury world flags, making the dough and preparing their chosen toppings. The finished pizza flags looked and smelt delicious!
We had a Governor’s Learning Walk with a maths focus yesterday morning. This is a really effective way of looking at progression across the wholes school as we visit each class and look at the learning and talk to the children. From odd and even numbers; position and direction; problem solving; 2 and 3D shape to algebra, it is amazing how much the children learn and progress during their time at school. They enjoy the challenge of new learning and we noticed how good they are at reasoning and explaining their results to others.
Today is a mufti day to raise money for St Michael’s in Burkina Faso. Our children look very colourful and we hope that the money we raise will support the children there and help to enhance their education.
On Sunday morning our children who have made their First Communion will lead the ‘Going Forth’ Mass. They will dress up in their